Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Walker's 1st Field Trip

Today was the day! It was finally the day for Walker's class to go to Circle Y for their 1st field trip. What a great day - the weather was wonderful, and the kids had a blast! They did everything from riding in the train, playing in the "Bouncy Things," petting (and holding) lots of animals, playing Put-Put, feeding HUGE catfish and picking out just the right pumpkin (which was a very difficult and time consuming endeavor for Walker.) But I think they all would say that the playground was their favorite! Our precious Day School Staff - Thanks for a great day!
Walker took his time and found just the right pumpkin - until he saw a cute little green one!

What a crew!


Anonymous said...

sydney - thanks for going and helping to make that such a fun day! i had a blast too!

Kasey said...

Your pictures turned out great. Thanks for letting me ride with you.

The Gillentines said...

Such a great day!! I am so glad that the first field trip was perfect!!! ----
Ms. Kerrie

Susan Davis said...

You can tell they were having fun. Love the pic with the chicken.