Saturday, April 30, 2011

It's a Dog's Life

Chip is definitely the "little brother" of the family. I loves to be the center of attention and will do anything to get attention. His favorite trick is to get Walker's pillow and run around the house with it. This trick never fails to get Walker upset. It usually ends in Walker chasing him which is the best thing in the world to Chip!

Chip also loves the "choice" seats in the house. His favorite spots are on top of the back cushions of the coach (so he can see out the front door) or the back of Scott's chair (so he can see into the kitchen.)

He is also a BIG fan of snuggling!!! He is such a lap dog and loves to hang out with the kids when they watch TV (or anyone else who will let him!) After the kids go to sleep, we can usually find Chip snuggled up with one of them in the bed!!

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