Friday, February 18, 2011

February 11th - AG's last day to be 9!

2 Days Old

5 yeards old 7 years old 10 years old!
February 11, 2011 was a little emotional for me. My baby would be turning 10 the next day and it just didn't seem possible! How can it be that 10 years have gone by so quickly? Seems like yesterday that we were meeting her for the first time, changing her diapers, swaddling her, and getting up for midnight feedings! It doesn't seem possible that she is in the 4th grade, has braces and her ears pierced! Seems like she should still be in rompers, smocked dresses and have bows in her hair! Now she refuses to wear bows, wants to wear jeans, Toms, and NorthFace jackets!
While I am a little sad that she is no longer a toddler, I have to say that I've enjoyed every minute of the past 10 years! I am humbled and amazed that God chose me to be her mother and to guide her through this journey called Life! I pray for wisdom as Scott and I raise her to know and love our Heavenly Father more with every day. We definitely need lots of wisdom and patience as the teenage years grow ever so close!!!
Anna Grace, we love you with all our hearts and are so proud of the young lady your are becoming. We look forward to watching God's plan for you life unfold with each passing day.

We Love You,
Mama and Daddy

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