Sunday, September 21, 2008

Mom of Eleven

My sweet sister-in-law, Leigh Ann, ran across this mom's blog and forwarded it to me. I'm not sure how she does it with 11 kids in all (3 biological and 8 permanent custody.) God definitely has His hand on their family! I'm not sure I would still be sane! I often get overwhelmed caring for my 2 children! Her blog helps remind me that we are not in control - He is - and He can do great things through us, if we let Him!


The Fab Five said...

I'm hooked. I think I stayed up for an hour reading different posts and looking at thier beautiful family. I take it they own several Chick-Fil-A franchises?? Have you gathered that? I can relate to her as well... we have alot in common. Thanks!

The Gillentines said...

What a great blogpage. Such a godly woman. I will try to stay in touch with her page.