Thursday, September 4, 2008

New "Sleats"

Walker has been looking forward to soccer season for months! Last year he watched his cousin Sam and other friends play and couldn't wait until he was old enough to play too. On Tuesday Scott took him to get his soccer gear. Walker was so proud of his blue and white "sleats" (cleats)that he picked out himself! He also chose matching blue shin guards and soccer ball. He was all ready for his first practice this afternoon. When I picked him up from school I had to be the bearer of bad new. . . practice was rained out. I haven't seen his bottom lip poke out that far in a long time. Hopefully next week it will be sunny!

1 comment:

The Vickers Family said...

Hey Sydney!
I noticed your name as I was playing on blogs today. I can't believe how big Anna Grace is-she's beautiful!! Are the Harrisburg kids all still in touch. I can't wait for Cade to get home so I can show him Anna Grace!! Our blog is Check on us when you have time-we are living in Starkville and I saw yall are MSU fans-maybe we'll see yall at a game this fall-we saw Ms. Patrice last spring at a baseball game!!