Sunday, October 19, 2008

Cheetah Girls Concert

AG was so excited to be going to the Cheetah Girls concert this past Friday night. She had the sniffles, a cough and a little fever the night before, but she was bound and determined to be well so that she could go to the concert. We grabbed sandwiches from Pepper's with the Rays and then headed for the concert. I could not believe all the cheetah print we saw from head to toe on some girls. We even saw sequins and lots of "Libby Lu" dos!

So we get to our seats and light go out, and the screaming begins. Imagine thousands of 5 to 12 year olds screaming their lungs out! We all expected to see the Cheetah Girls. But, no, it was a hard rock boy band. And I do mean "boy" band (they couldn't have been more than 10-12 years old.) Next, Clique Girlz comes out. AG had never heard of them, but they did have some catchy tunes.

Finally, it was time for the Cheetah Girls. And they did put on a really good show - complete with lots of costume changes, dancing, and some pretty cool stunts. AG loved it. She knew many of the songs. She said that her favorite parts were the girls sitting in chandeliers and singing up in the air, the girls singing on raised platforms, and the confetti at the end. We was exhausted by the time it was over, but it was a great 1st concert for AG.

(I forgot my camera, but Shannon got some shots for me. I'll get them up as soon as I get them from her.)


Martha Ann said...

How much fun! Did mother and daughter have on matching cheetah print shirts?

Sydney said...

Not quiet! But we did see lots of head to toe cheetah print!